Become a Volunteer! Help is always needed! Help is always welcomed! There are several liturgical and social ministries for you
to partake; Participating in a Parish ministry is a very rewarding experience. We require all volunteers to register with the Diocese Safe Environment database, including Protecting God’s Children. More information?
Call LouAnn Shannon, Safe Enviornment Coordinator
412-884-7744 ext. 223
Click Diocesan Compliance Link
"Research has shown that people who volunteer, live longer."
-Allan Klein
We must all do everything that we can to help protect the children entrusted to us. A critical part of the Diocesan safe environment policy is the Diocesan database of those who work and minister in the Church. The database meets all the requirements of state and federal law. All employees and volunteers of our Parish are required to register and fulfill various requirements of the policy. This includes all clergy, religious, employees and volunteers in the Parish.
This registration is mandatory, not optional.
If you have any questions, please call our Safe Environment Coordinator,
Lou Ann Shannon
412-884-7744 ext.223 [email protected]
Click Diocesan Database Link
Thank you for your service to the Parish!