The Altar Server assists the members of the liturgical assembly, and especially the Priest and Deacon, by presenting or arranging vessels and other items used in the celebration of sacred rites. Their reverent and efficient service enables other ministers to attend to their own roles while the liturgical actions unfold with reverence and appropriate decorum. As members of the assembly who are often visible to all at key moments in the rite, the Altar Servers should also model good liturgical participation.
This ministry is open to all baptized members of the Catholic Church (male or female) who have received their First Communion. Adult or youth candidates need to possess the necessary skills and demonstrate sufficient maturity to be considered for the ministry. Minimum age and suitability is left to the Pastor’s discretion.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion serve the Eucharistic life of the Christian community. They are appointed by the Bishop at the request of the Pastor to assist the ordinary ministers (Bishop, Priest, Deacon) in sharing the Eucharistic Body and Blood of Christ with members of the community for which they are commissioned.
Eucharistic Ministers may be entrusted with the ministry of taking the sacrament to the sick and absent members of the Church who are at home or in a health care facility. In the case of a special need, the Pastor may request a specifically trained Eucharist Minister to present the Blessed Sacrament for adoration or conduct a Communion Service.
A Minister of Hospitality usually the first person a member or a newcomers meets as they enter the Church. They provide assistance, information and direction ensuring the people feel welcome. Provide information regarding seating and church facilities as needed.
The Liturgical Reader serves the members of the liturgical assembly by proclaiming the texts of sacred scripture during the Liturgy of the Word at Mass and other liturgical celebrations. Through this proclamation, God speaks to the gathered community in a special way. The worthy exercise of this role enables the Church to hear the Word of God more clearly and receive it with open hearts. Such regular public nourishment with the biblical Word helps to sustain the community and contributes to its ongoing conversion and mission. The Lector participates fully in the liturgy and is reverent in carrying out their role which include processions and handling of the Book of Gospels.
The Lectors are faithful to their schedule of assignments and are vigilant and helpful in ensuring that all services are adequately served with this ministry.
Lectors need to be a baptized members of the Catholic Church and may be of any age as long as they have the necessary skills and sufficient maturity to perform the ministry. A person’s suitability for this ministry is left to the pastor’s discretion.
A Minister of Hospitality welcomes the people as they arrive and are attentive to the needs of children, elders and those with special needs. They provide assistance to help ensure that everyone can participate in the liturgy with a minimum of distraction. They also take up the collection, arrange for the Gifts to be taken to the altar at the Offertory, distribute bulletins and ensure that the lines to Communion flow with ease.
An Usher can be any active parishioner who, at the Pastor’s discretion, possesses a welcoming spirit with the willingness and readiness to offer appropriate help.